Our goal is to promote free speech and open access.

We believe that Second Life is full of opportunity. We want to make those opportunities clear to every Resident in SL.

We call on Linden Lab to add a clear, click-through notice whenever a resident enters a mature area.

Our graphic is bold and obvious, a reminder of “red-light” districts that exist around the world.

What our critics are saying

  1. It will slow the process down.
    True, very slightly, but isn’t teleportation much faster than walking? Flying? Is a slight delay worth it to ensure residents truly want to enter mature areas? We think so.
  2. No one reads these things anyway.
    Perhaps they will with the right education campaign and graphic, at least they are on notice.
  3. The SLACR notification will acts as a form of censorship.
    We do not want censorship any more than you do (and perhaps less). The reminder should only be there to ensure mature individuals want to be in a mature location.
  4. I own a mature oriented business, I am afraid I will lose customers.
    You only should lose people who didn’t mean to be there -- how many of your customers are there by accident, now? Instead of driving away business, the notice will make it even more clear exactly what business is available.
  5. International (non English-speaking) residents won’t understand.
    Do they understand the Terms of Service? Our graphic is bold and obvious, a reminder of “red-light” districts that exist around the world. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_red-light_districts
  6. You want to shut down mature areas, make SL “acceptable” for online learning only, “clean up the neighborhood,” etc.
    We don’t want to clean it up, we just want people to know when they are entering a mature area. Like it or not, SL has become an area of tremendous growth -- and mainstream advertisers and educational institutions are all staking their claim.

    We just want a more accurate representation of the mature areas so those that seek it will find it; and those that don’t, wont.

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