Our goal is to promote free speech and open access.

We believe that Second Life is full of opportunity. We want to make those opportunities clear to every Resident in SL.

We call on Linden Lab to add a clear, click-through notice whenever a resident enters a mature area.

Our graphic is bold and obvious, a reminder of “red-light” districts that exist around the world.

Real-Life Precedents

If you enter an adult-only business in first life, or watch an NC-17 movie or play an AO videogame, you know what to expect. There is nothing like this currently in Second Life.

Because of the various opportunities in second life, every teleportation can bring new adventure but the user-created nature means the mature content can vary considerably.

Mature areas of SL should be “rated” by requiring a click-through to be certain that the people
entering those areas know what they will be encountering. We used the symbol of a “red-light district” as the warning so there is no confusion about the area a resident is about to enter.
  • Click-through notice makes certain teleportation to a mature area is intentional and understood.
  • It protects residents who might not realize they are entering mature areas, such as receiving TP invitations from others.
  • It protects those already there, by ensuring that no one who enters will be offended.

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