Our goal is to promote free speech and open access.

We believe that Second Life is full of opportunity. We want to make those opportunities clear to every Resident in SL.

We call on Linden Lab to add a clear, click-through notice whenever a resident enters a mature area.

Our graphic is bold and obvious, a reminder of “red-light” districts that exist around the world.

How you can help!

The "Adult Content Reminder" is not just another feature for Linden Lab to program. It's about Residents who care about the community space they live in. You can help out SLACR, and show you care, in three easy ways.

  1. Sign the petition!
    • This is the most important thing you can do to help SLACR succeed. Visit our kiosk on Berkman Island, or anywhere else you see our Red Light logo.

  2. Put up a kiosk
    • Do you own land? Do you think that SLACR would benefit your neighbors & visitors? Contact crislc Amdahl in SL to get a kiosk of your very own.

  3. Spread the word
    • Second Life is a community. SLACR can make life better for all parts of that community, but only if they get involved. So post about us on your blog, talk about us in your podcast, or just mention us to a few friends in-world.